Graphical Assistant for Prerequisite Enrollment

ANTH department

ANAR 159GS. “1492”: Coexistence, Crusade, and the Origins of the Spanish Conquest (4 units)

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This course will focus on the period from 711 through the end of the sixteenth century, and will contrast evidence for “Convivencia” (multicultural coexistence) versus the history of hostility, crusade, and religious intolerance among three great cultures of medieval Spain. We will then trace the direct line from the negotiation of identity and intercultural frontiers in Spain, to the conquest of the Americas and interaction with Native Americans. Program or materials fees may apply. Prerequisites: upper-division standing. Students must submit applications to the Global Initiatives Study Abroad Office and be accepted into the Global Seminars Program.

Prerequisite courses

ANAR 159GS has no prerequisite courses.

Successor courses

No courses have ANAR 159GS as a prerequisite.