Graphical Assistant for Prerequisite Enrollment

ANTH department

ANBI 143GS. The Human Skeleton in Paris (4 units)

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This course will introduce the students to the bones of the human body; how bone pairs differ even within the body between men, women, ethnic groups; and how nutrition and disease affect them. Students will examine each bone and its relation with other bones and muscles that allow movement, with the addition of visits to museum collections held in Paris, the place where the most famous French surgeons-anatomists paved the way to all the eponyms used in surgery. Program or materials fees may apply. Students will not receive credit for both ANBI 143GS and ANBI 143. Prerequisites: upper-division standing. Students must submit applications to the Global Initiatives Study Abroad Office and be accepted into the Global Seminar Program.

Prerequisite courses

ANBI 143GS has no prerequisite courses.

Successor courses

No courses have ANBI 143GS as a prerequisite.