Graphical Assistant for Prerequisite Enrollment

ANTH department

ANSC 106S. Global Health: Indigenous Medicines in Latin America—Study Abroad (4 units)

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Drawing on medical anthropology ethnography, students will explore a variety of forms of healing among rural and urban indigenous communities. A particular focus on intercultural health will allow the students to analyze contemporary medical landscapes where patients encounter indigenous and Western medicine. Students will learn about the complexities of urban and rural indigenous healing settings and their sociopolitical significance in contexts of state biomedical interventions. Students may receive credit for one of the following: ANSC 106, ANSC 106S, or ANSC 106GS. Students must apply to the program online at Program or materials fees may apply.

Prerequisite courses

ANSC 106S has no prerequisite courses.

Successor courses

No courses have ANSC 106S as a prerequisite.