BENG 197. Engineering Internship (1–4 units)
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An enrichment program, available to a limited number of undergraduate students, which provides work experience with industry, government offices, hospitals, and their practices. Subject to the availability of positions, students will work in a local industry or hospital (on a salaried or unsalaried basis) under the supervision of a faculty member and industrial, government, or hospital employee. Coordination of the Engineering Internship is conducted through UC San Diego’s Academic Internship Program. Time and effort to be arranged. Units may not be applied toward major graduation requirements unless prior approval of a faculty adviser is obtained, and internship is an unsalaried position. Prerequisites: completion of ninety units with a 2.5 GPA and consent of a bioengineering faculty coordinator. (F,W,S,Su)
Prerequisite courses
BENG 197 has no prerequisite courses.
Successor courses
No courses have BENG 197 as a prerequisite.