Graphical Assistant for Prerequisite Enrollment

CSE department

CSE 103. A Practical Introduction to Probability and Statistics (4 units)

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Distributions over the real line. Independence, expectation, conditional expectation, mean, variance. Hypothesis testing. Learning classifiers. Distributions over R^n, covariance matrix. Binomial, Poisson distributions. Chernoff bound. Entropy. Compression. Arithmetic coding. Maximal likelihood estimation. Bayesian estimation. CSE 103 is not duplicate credit for ECE 109, ECON 120A, or MATH 183. Prerequisites: MATH 20B and CSE 21 or MATH 154 or MATH 158 or MATH 184 or MATH 188; restricted to CS25, CS26, CS27, and CS28 majors. Other students will be allowed as space permits.

Prerequisite courses


Successor courses

CSE 103 is a prerequisite of the following 9 courses: