DSC 207R. Python for Data Science (4 units)
Link to catalog page: https://catalog.ucsd.edu/courses/DSC.html#dsc207r
Essential tools for data science including the basic process of data science; Python and Jupyter notebooks; finding answers within large datasets by using Python to import data, explore it, analyze it, learn from it, visualize it, and generate easily shareable reports. An applied understanding of how to manipulate and analyze uncurated datasets; basic statistical analysis and machine learning methods; and how to effectively visualize results. This is a distance education course. Prerequisites: none. Restricted to major codes DS78 and DS79. All other students with graduate standing may be considered as space permits.
Prerequisite courses
DSC 207R has no prerequisite courses.
Successor courses
DSC 207R is a prerequisite of the following 1 courses: