DSC 40B. Theoretical Foundations of Data Science II (4 units)
Link to catalog page: https://catalog.ucsd.edu/courses/DSC.html#dsc40b
The sequence DSC 40A-B introduces the theoretical foundations of data science. DSC 40B, the second course in the sequence, covers the fundamentals of computer science with applications to data science. Topics include time complexity analysis, the analysis of recursive algorithms, graph theory, and graph search algorithms. Whereas other courses in the curriculum, such as DSC 20 and DSC 30, may touch on these topics briefly, this course aims to develop a deeper, theoretical understanding. DSC 40A-B connect to DSC 10, 20, and 30 by providing the theoretical foundation for the methods that underlie data science. Prerequisites: DSC 20 and 40A. Restricted to students within the DS25 major. All other students will be allowed as space permits.
Prerequisite courses
Successor courses
DSC 40B is a prerequisite of the following 10 courses: