Graphical Assistant for Prerequisite Enrollment

ETHN department

ETHN 120D. Race and Oral History in San Diego (4 units)

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(Cross-listed with HIUS 120D.) This course examines the history of racial and ethnic communities in San Diego. Drawing from historical research and interdisciplinary scholarship, we will explore how race impacted the history and development of San Diego and how “ordinary” folk made sense of their racial identity and experiences. Toward these ends, students will conduct oral history and community-based research, develop public and digital humanities skills, and preserve a collection of oral histories for future scholarship. Concurrent enrollment in an Academic Internship Program course strongly recommended. Students may not receive credit for HIUS 120D and ETHN 120D.

Prerequisite courses

ETHN 120D has no prerequisite courses.

Successor courses

No courses have ETHN 120D as a prerequisite.