MMW 11R. Prehistory and Ancient Foundations (4 units)
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MMW 11R is a distance education course. This course explores human origins, the development of early forms of social and political organization, the strategies that early societies used to negotiate their physical and social environments, and the appearance of influential cultural traditions across the ancient world (to circa 100 BCE). Topics include the emergence of agriculture, the relationship between nomad and settled, the birth of the city and the expanding human “footprint,” the development of writing, foundational religious and cosmological ideas and narratives, influential models of visual and material culture, and changing forms of social stratification and inequality. Students may not receive credit for both MMW 11 and MMW 11R. Open to Eleanor Roosevelt College (ERC) students only. Must be taken for a letter grade to meet the ERC graduation requirement.
Prerequisite courses
MMW 11R has no prerequisite courses.
Successor courses
No courses have MMW 11R as a prerequisite.