MMW 12R. Transforming Traditions and Emerging World Communities, circa 100 BCE–1200 CE (6 units)
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MMW 12R is a distance education course. This course provides a global perspective on the past from circa 100 BCE to circa 1200 CE, examining the emergence of interregional networks and empires and their relationship with the advent and expansion of diverse religious movements, including Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism, as well as cross-cultural contacts and exchanges. The course also explores forms of identity (ethnic, religious, and other); models of inclusion and exclusion; systems of power, hierarchy, and slavery; and the human-environmental relationship. MMW 12 is the first of two writing-intensive courses in the MMW sequence. Students may not receive credit for both MMW 12 and MMW 12R. Open to Eleanor Roosevelt College (ERC) students only. Must be taken for a letter grade to meet the ERC graduation requirement. Prerequisites: satisfaction of the Entry Level Writing Requirement.
Prerequisite courses
MMW 12R has no prerequisite courses.
Successor courses
MMW 12R is a prerequisite of the following 4 courses: