Graphical Assistant for Prerequisite Enrollment

NANO department

NANO 251A. Magnetic Materials: Principles and Applications (4 units)

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The basis of magnetism: classical and quantum mechanical points of view. Different kinds of magnetic materials. Magnetic phenomena including anisotropy, magnetostriction, domains, and magnetization dynamics. Current frontiers of nanomagnetics research, including thin films and particles. Optical, data storage, and biomedical engineering applications of soft and hard magnetic materials. Cross-listed with ECE 221, MAE 265B, and MATS 251B. Students may not receive credit for ECE 221 and MAE 265B and MATS 251B and NANO 251A. Prerequisites: department approval required and graduate standing.

Prerequisite courses

NANO 251A has no prerequisite courses.

Successor courses

No courses have NANO 251A as a prerequisite.