Graphical Assistant for Prerequisite Enrollment

FMPH department

PHB 228. Statistical Computing (4 units)

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The goal of this course is to give students a useful toolkit for handling statistical computations in R. This includes being able to write legible and robust code, debug R functions, run computer simulations, find ways to speed up calculations, encapsulate code and documents in R packages, and have some sense of issues that impact real-world computation. Students may not receive credit for PHB 228 and the FMPH 291 taught with the same title. Prerequisites: FMPH 221 or PHB 221, and FMPH 222 or PHB 222, and FMPH 244B or MATH 281A or PHB 244B. Restricted to biostatistics majors or department approval.

Prerequisite courses


Successor courses

No courses have PHB 228 as a prerequisite.