Graphical Assistant for Prerequisite Enrollment

PHYS department

PHYS 277. Physics of the Cell (4 units)

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Exploration of the physics problems that must be solved by a living cell in order to survive. Theoretical ideas from nonequilibrium statistical mechanics and dynamical systems are used to establish the physical principles that underlie biological function, focusing on the organization and behavior of eukaryotic cells. Specific topics rotate from year to year and may include genome organization and dynamics, motility, sensing, and organelle interaction. May be coscheduled with PHYS 177. The graduate version will include a report at the level of a research paper. Recommended preparation: familiarity with statistical mechanics at the level of PHYS 140A or CHEM 132.

Prerequisite courses

PHYS 277 has no prerequisite courses.

Successor courses

No courses have PHYS 277 as a prerequisite.