Graphical Assistant for Prerequisite Enrollment

CSE department

CSE 124. Networked Services (4 units)

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(Renumbered from CSE 123B.) The architecture of modern networked services, including data center design, enterprise storage, fault tolerance, and load balancing. Protocol software structuring, the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), remote procedure calls, protocols for digital audio and video communication, overlay and peer-to-peer systems, secure communication. Credit may not be received for both CSE 124 and ECE 158B. Students may not receive credit for both CSE 123B and CSE 124. Prerequisites: CSE 15L or CSE 29 and CSE 101 and CSE 110; restricted to students within the CS25, CS26, CS27, CS28, and EC26 majors. All other students will be allowed as space permits.

Prerequisite courses


Successor courses

CSE 124 is a prerequisite of the following 1 courses: