Graphical Assistant for Prerequisite Enrollment

FMPH department

PHB 222. Biostatistical Methods II (4 units)

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Intermediate-level graduate course in the analysis of categorical data. Topics include generalized linear models (logistic, Poisson, loglinear models); maximum likelihood and quasi likelihood approaches; model diagnostics, computational approaches and inferential strategies. Both theory and practice will be addressed. Renumbered from FMPH 222. Students may not receive credit for PHB 222 and FMPH 222. Must be taken for a letter grade to be applied to the biostatistics degree requirements. Prerequisites: successful completion of FMPH 221 or PHB 221 and FMPH 244A or PHB 244A or MATH 281A or program approval.

Prerequisite courses


Successor courses

PHB 222 is a prerequisite of the following 9 courses: