MATH 20D. Introduction to Differential Equations (4 units)
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Ordinary differential equations: exact, separable, and linear; constant coefficients, undetermined coefficients, variations of parameters. Systems. Series solutions. Laplace transforms. Techniques for engineering sciences. Computing symbolic and graphical solutions using MATLAB. (Formerly numbered MATH 21D.) May be taken as repeat credit for MATH 21D. Prerequisites: MATH 20C (or MATH 21C) or MATH 31BH with a grade of C– or better.
Prerequisite courses
Successor courses
MATH 20D is a prerequisite of the following 51 courses:
- BENG 110
- BENG 123
- BENG 130
- BENG 133
- BENG 134
- CENG 101A
- CENG 113
- CENG 120
- CHEM 130
- CHEM 135
- CHEM 190
- CSE 252B
- ECE 109
- ECE 187
- MAE 40
- MAE 101A
- MAE 105
- MAE 117A
- MAE 131A
- MAE 143A
- MATH 110
- MATH 111A
- MATH 112A
- MATH 130
- MATH 152
- MATH 170C
- MATH 180B
- MATH 194
- MATH 210A
- MATH 274
- NANO 104
- NANO 107
- NANO 141B
- PHYS 100A
- PHYS 100B
- PHYS 105A
- PHYS 105B
- PHYS 110A
- PHYS 110B
- PHYS 111
- PHYS 151
- SE 110A
- SE 115
- SE 125
- SIO 111
- SIO 117
- SIO 161
- SIO 177
- SIO 182